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Are you brave enough to join Ghost Hunter Tours on a full blown ghost hunt at this very haunted location!! We will take you on a full paranormal investigation of this location - with our team of paranormal investigators !!


Gresley Old Hall, a 17th Century Grade II listed building, situated near Swadlincote, was built on the site of a Priory (Old Gresley Priory 1135-1140). Built in 1734, it replaced the original hall built in 1556!. With the land holding so much history and the current Gresley Old Hall having an intriguing past all of its own.


The most well known spirit is that of a maid who burnt to death whilst in her room supervising the children. Her room was bricked up after this fire that claimed her life visitors have often reported feeling their faces burning after entering this room and reporting a strong smell of burning

The attic that remains unchanged since the Victorian period, dragging sounds have been heard in here and people have felt their hair being pulled and tugged as well as loud noises, doors closing and banging on te stairs have also been reported so are you brave enough to join the Ghost Hunter Tours team as they investigate this sinister location !!


Want to book by phone 07724364333

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Ghost Hunt at Gresley Old Hall - 8/3/25

  • 8/03/24 from 20:00 pm - 00:00 am

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